Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Just a shout out...

Want to send mad props to my partner and the best goddamned MoSHDAWG out there - Adam. We're going to destroy the badness that's out there. I'm sitting in this training now - but I'm thinking spades - thinking about whupping some Chuck Cecil ass on the pretenders and the haters.

Fung - you're going to turn over a card, and it's going to be blood. Your blood. That'll be the 13 hand that spells your doom.

Zak, next time you're sitting around dreaming about the Chuck Cecil - know the MoSHDAWGS already got that.

We own that.

I'm going to go back and learn about smartboards now...

1 comment:

Fungster said...

A buncha trash talk from a buncha nobodies who've never won nuttin? Yeah, nobody's listening, so it didn't make a sound.

We have a smartboard at the office now. It's what those who can't afford the CNN mega touch screen get. Which is to say just about everyone else.